Delivers on-brand, personalized buyer experiences
Personalizing everything that is possible. We record all of our meetings. We have a place now with Enable Us to put all of our content, so our buyers feel really well organized and they didn't have to do anything to feel that level of organization. That’s been a huge benefit for us.
Looking at the analytics coming from Enable Us, and that they engage with that content but it doesn't get lost again. That has really helped our sales process as far as speeding it up and kind of keeping the momentum and keeping them in play.
Create a personalized digital experience to access content from one, single shareable link
Quickly evaluate content effectiveness, sales performance, and buyer engagement
A single source of content so sales can quickly discover and share sales content with prospects
sales efficiency and productivity
sales cycle with buyer engagement insights
content to prospect's needs and pain points
Selling into education requires engaging with a committee of decision makers. We spoke with three of our edtech customers to get insight into how Enable Us' all-in-one seller and buyer enablement platform has helped their organizations:
With the level of stress that educators are encountering, all agreed that getting the educator's attention is more difficult. That's where a digital sales room solution helps personalize interactions and ensure the continuity of communication and content with all the buyers. A virtual room helps keep all the information together and deliver a consistent message.
According to Coats:
Personalizing everything that is possible. We record all of our meetings. We have a place now with Enable Us to put all of our content, so our buyers feel really well organized and they didn't have to do anything to feel that level of organization. That’s been a huge benefit for us.
Moreover, it's changed the marketing strategy for SchoolMint, a leading school platform for trusted, student-centric experiences. Since stakeholders can review content and ask questions beforehand, sales conversations are more productive, focusing on in-depth topics versus repeating information. “We have front loaded a lot more of these [buying] conversations and we haven't had that ability before with just a simple website,” added Coats.
For Actionaly, a family relation management platform with many partners, the key is how can the company quickly educate customers about new partner offerings. The digital sales room becomes the single place for updating customers or even creating new rooms for stakeholders. Philippart explained:
It’s a continuing education of the decision maker. This can be for renewals or also for onboarding as you're moving from the sales to the customer phase.
Sales cycles with a school district can be lengthy depending on the technology, budget, and timing. This can lead to districts going dark. For Glimpse K-12, an academic resource management provider, the analytics from a digital sales room gave the company more transparency into the process. Pezent explained:
“Looking at the analytics coming from Enable Us, and that they engage with that content but it doesn't get lost again. That has really helped our sales process as far as speeding it up and kind of keeping the momentum and keeping them in play."
Philippart added the increased transparency that a virtual room provides, giving sales more confidence on how the deal is progressing. Ultimately, sales is more efficient by focusing their time and energy on serious opportunities:
Before it was a black box. Now I have those trigger points to know when to quickly and briefly reconnect with stakeholders.
Understanding what content drives the buying process is challenging for sales and marketing. Without visibility into what content engages buyers, sales and marketing teams develop materials based on what they think will resonate. For Pezent, Enable Us provides content insights that streamlines the process:
For sales management and marketing management and then also the actual sales team, we can get this into the place with a library and create rooms that consistently push that buyer to the next step and not have to recreate the wheel every time.
Moreover, search results and content trends informs marketing on the type of sales assets that sales teams need.
Watch the entire conversation on navigating the new reality of selling into EdTech.